Hi, I'm Sarianna, a friend with Alain from the time we were young, working in Kautokeino in same time. I saw two weeks ago in newspaper Alains pic and took contact after 27 years..he asked me to join him! Why not! And now I'm here, walking day by day to the north.. I came from Tampere by train and bus to Enontekiö last week, on friday. We have walked 3 days now, it's very fine to walk here in the silence and see how the landscape is changing, no more big trees, or real trees at all..hills and just white snow..sometimes reindeers. Sun is shining and it's -5 to -10 degrees, that's good by walking.
Specially it has been amasing to meet all those friendly people in every village we've been. We have met every where so kind and helpful people!! My warm thanks to you all! Our walking is going to continue tomorrow from Kautokeino to Karasjoki...and to Nordkapp. see you..
Hi Alain,
VastaaPoistait's now April 12, and I learned that you are at least as far as Karasjok now. Well done. It was so nice that Sarianna kept you company for a while!
Kind regards,
Pentti R. and Pentti H.