As you see, every thing is possible, just be honnest on what you are doing. It have been possible only with the help of the peoples on the road. The Finns are very hospitable, they just dont want to show it.... In north part of Norway, it have been very difficult to get contact with the Norwaygien as they are very skeptical. Thanks you very much to all.....Now, the road is yours.
sunnuntai 25. huhtikuuta 2010
As you see, every thing is possible, just be honnest on what you are doing. It have been possible only with the help of the peoples on the road. The Finns are very hospitable, they just dont want to show it.... In north part of Norway, it have been very difficult to get contact with the Norwaygien as they are very skeptical. Thanks you very much to all.....Now, the road is yours.
DAY 101
24/4....The last day. Only 13km to go. Two days ago, I've ask to Arnt from Sarnes if he wants to join me for the last part of the walh. He says yes.
We arrange an apointment on the road at the junction Skarsvåg/ Nordkapp, and at 9.30am, we start walking. Very cloudy, windy. Further up, strong wind, snow and ice.
Temperature is minus 5. Difficult walk. Some time the wind is so strong that we had to turn around and walk back ward.
And the road is going up and up... after 3 hours struggle with the wing, we arrive at the sign which one said you have to pay 215NoK to enter the site.
When we arrive at the building, of course the staff ask for money. I explain to them the storry, and after few minutes, we got a nice and warm welcome.
Vytautas, Silje and Rima invite us for a cafe and a nice cake. They invite us to see the moovie of the Northcap island, very nice pictures of the lsland around the year,
the midnight sun and the northen light. It was few tourist there from Germany.
That was the best day of this walk. I enjoy so much the struggle with the wind . Finally I'm there, difficult to realise that is finish.
The germans tourist bring us back down with their car. It's over.
DAY 100
23/4......Up at 5.30am, because Arnt have to go to work and before that he will bring me back to the road.
I start walkin with a little wind and very cloudy. The road is going up now, and and the wind is become stonger and stronger.
During those 20 km to the village, the weather change...snow storm with ice....difficult to walk. Good struggle
I arrive in the village at aroud 1pm and phone to my last host, jolanda. She explain me that it's not possible for her to come back in
the village today, and told me to contact an othe person in the village; Heidi , hwo is taking care of a little shop, The Chrismas house.
I meet Heidi, and explain the thing and she phone to Jolanda. At the end, Heidi bring me to the house of Jolanda, the door was open, and
I could stay there for the nigh, alone. But, I was not alone. A cat is leaving there. So Mister cat was my host for the last night.
Very cleaver cat. He jump every where, follow me everywhere, he could open all the door...
For the night, I decide to lock me in one room, but the cat wake me up few time by trying to open the door. Terrible night.
DAY 99
22/ I dont move. I'll stay at Arnt house , sending update for the blog for the blog.
Nice relaxe day. I have still 2 days to walk to Nordkapp. Next stop will be at Skarsvåg.
Spending time watching througt the window the little island I would like to leave.
Nice evening with nice food and beersss...
Nice relaxe day. I have still 2 days to walk to Nordkapp. Next stop will be at Skarsvåg.
Spending time watching througt the window the little island I would like to leave.
Nice evening with nice food and beersss...
torstai 22. huhtikuuta 2010
DAY 98
21/4....6.30...Ole was up allready at 4am. The sun start to come up at around 3am. Few cafe, little food and Ole drive me back on the road. The tunnel is 3km down and 4km up. 9%.
He took me 1h25mn to cross it. It's nice to go out. After 3 more tunnels and 15km I arrive at Honningvåg village. Big fishing village. I call my next host, Arnt Egil Skansen, and went to pick me up at 4.30pm. We went to his hous , actually i pass it on the way, 10km back. Sarnes is a very little place by the sea. Few houses smalll fjord and a small island with a strange shape.
Actually, Arnt do the coach surfing. Nice person and interesting. We have nice talk and beers and Tipical dinner.
DAY 97
20/4...I start at 7.30. Nice sun shine, blue sky and montain and the sea of course. I was alone allmost all day. I had a siesta by the sea, getting sun burn.
At 3pm I phone Ole, and he send his friend to pick me up. I was just at the entrance of the tunnel under the sea, witch one I'm going to cross tomorrow.
Back to Repvåg, I had a cafe with all: Ole Martin Nilsen, Hans Eric Garlhardsen Jan Aaga and Winny Schimnel. For dinner, we eat the stone bit fish we got yesterday with the crabs
I went to bed early, my legs are very kapput
DAY 96
19/4....Eli open the cafe bus stop at 8am. She talk to the driver of the bus hwo is going to north, and the driver agree to stop at the place where I stop
yesterday. Free of charge, of course. Thanks. Then I started walkink, very nice day again, warm. Next stop it's Repvåg, alittle fishing village, 3km off road.
When I arrive allmost there, I phone to the owner of the place, and she told me to come down in the village. Fantastique place. A dream place.
It's a old fishing factory transforme in a hotell, restaurant and fishing facility. She give me a small room, and i meet the peoples hwo work here.
I help for a while Ole to fix his boat. later, he offert me to come with his to pick up the King crabs. very nice feeling in that place.
The distance beetween Repvåg and Honningvag is 58km. Ole accept to do the yoyo system. Nice dinner with all the workers there.
DAY 95
18/4....Early up, 5.30, sun shine allready. I decide to start around 7am to do the maximum of km with half bag, it will be less with the full bag. Allmost all day I was alone on the road. I cross the first tunnel, long 3km, and few km later an other one of 500m.
Walking with blue sky,sun shine, white mountains and blue water along the fjord....I call Eli, the manager of the olderfjord hotel, and she came to pick me up. 32km done. At the hotel, have a siesta, wash all my clothes, food and bed. Kapput
DAY 94
17/4....Normally today I have 16km to do only. So, I prepare my bag slowly, went to eat some thing, and at 10am, Geir and his 2 kids drive me back on the road.
Windy and humid. I arrive at Olderfjord at 3pm. Actually it was 21 km. I went to the hotel there, where a key was waiting for me. The manager, a finnish young women came later. She welcome me. . I explain to her the situation for the next day walk. Too long distance to the next place.
She agree to do the yoyo transport. She take contact with the next place, Repvåg, and it's Ok. Eat some food, talk and bed.
DAY 93
16/4...At 8am, I stat walking with hangover. Wine. Today it's yoyo system. Too long way to the next stop. Snow, rain and wind.
Very weat. The humidity goes throug my bones. I have probleme with the knee. Rhumatisum I suppose. Well, I had to stop many time. Many cigarettes of course.
I think it's the worth day of this walk. at 4.30pm, Geir came to pick me up . 31km done. It's very nice to see the sea again and to ear the seaggul. Back to the camping, good siesta, Geir prepare the dinner, wine again, but not so much.....
DAY 92
15/4....Today , I have 21km to do to the camping in Stabburnes. I went on the road, up and down, and I reach the fjord. Open sea and seaggul
were singing for me. About 2 km before Stabburnes, a guy stop with his car, open the window, say hello, and just give me a key. And then he went.
It was a key of a cabine in the camping. I arrive there, and have a siesta. . After, I went to the museumin the national park. I talk with Tove Persen. She give me a maps book of Finnmark. I need it, because since Norway, I did not have a detail map of the road.
The boss of the camping, Geir Aarskog, came in the evening, we have a talk about life, ...and he prepare the dinner. After food, he offert me wine, and then we talk up to 1am, and finish 3 liters of wine. Exellent.
DAY 91
14/4...up at 6.30, Jorkki had prepare the breacfast for the group I took the road at 8am. 28km to do to Lakselv My contact there is Ktistin Ericsson, a journalist from the local newspaper SAGAT. . When i got to Lakselv, I phone to Kristin, she came and do a little interwiew. After that, she call one of her friend hwo has a small hostel, The Lazzzy place. I went there and I met Lena. She give a nice room, and she prepare me the breacfast in case she could not come early morning. Today, I dont why, but I was very tired from the walk. I stay in the room, watch tv, eat and bed
DAY 90
13/4...last evening, Jarmo ask me to be at the kitchen at 6am to prepare the breacfast for the group. so, I went there at 6am, and he was allready serving food to the group. I did not know, he they are working with the Finnish clock. Well, i did the dishes. After brackfast, he bring me to the worshop, everything is upside down. He ask me if I can arrange it. Of course. I arrange all the touls, put everything in the big bin outside, and the job is done. Everybody is happy. Nice evening, after the serving, Markku, Jorkki and I was sitting and talking about Gandalf...we drink wine and beerssss
DAY 89
12/4...At 9.30, Magnus drive me back on the yoyo road. 22km to do to Skoganvarre camping Very nice road. Up and down. A long down hill bring you to a nice valley.
I dont like to go down because it's hurt to much my knees. Well, at 2.30pm I arrive at Skoganvarre tourist and camping, run by a finnish man: Markku Sillantaus. The cook and handy man is Jorma Hevonkoski. Jorma is a photographer also. and the camping www. .Markku give me a key of a cabine, and I offert to do some work if he need. He told me Ok. We went under a big cabine to take away a big pile of ice made by a water pipe witha hole. We took all the ice, like that he can fix it.
I got wery good dinner. Later on , a group of fishermman from finland arrive. They will stay here for a week. I talk to the cook, and it will be Ok if I stay one more day for help in the kitchen.
DAY 88
11/4...Up early, I took the road after breacfast with half bag. Hard road, nice landscape and nice weather. In the afternoon, I call Magnus to pick me up. 30km done.
Back to the camping. On the way, we stop at the petrol station where I bought some cafe, spaguetty and chocolate. That will do for the dinner and breacfast.
Meet the boss of the camping, Silje Halonen, ( Magnus is the owner). I got a message from anu hwo give me a contact number to her friend Vigdis.
She will come to the camping to meet me. I met her with her 3 friends from the organisation" Friends of the earth " !!???
Vigdis told me she have contact further north, and she will contact me later. After dinner and sauna went to bed.
DAY 87
10/4...breacfast at 9, i make some sandwich for the road. John Edvin put me back on the yoyo road. 23km to do for the next place.
Difficlt walk. The weather change. Allways on the + side. Warm. The snow melt. Since yesterday , pinestrees appears and the white trees are taller. For 2 weeks, I did not see a green tree.
I'm sweating alot. My leggs very heavy. Many stop, many cigarettes. I arrive at Karasjok camping at 3pm. MagnusHalonen welcome me and show a place where I can sleep. It's a big cabine house, with all the facilitys. went to the villge shopping some food, meet other peoples there. Back to the camping, italk with Magnus about a place to next village 50km away.
He is Ok to do the yoyo. Went to bed early.
DAY 86
9/4...after 3 days yoyo, Anita have to drive 90km to bring me back on the road. -7 and fogg. An hour after I started walking, surprise!!
I arrive at Jerggul Astu, a camp with cabine, restaurant and lot of activities. I talk with the boss, John Edvin Holmestrand, and told him that it's too early to stop walking.
I explain him the yoyo system and he sayed OK. So, I continue the road for an other 15km, and at 4pm, John came to pickme up.
I meet Liv Eli Holmestrand . The place it's run by the familly. Liv Eli phone to a place in Karasjok, my next stop. Every thing is ok.
I had agood dinner, a Sami speciality with reinder meet. Very good. 2 groups of snowmobil stop at the place, about 20 peoples
Start to be noisy here, the norvegiens have a party . Went to bed in my little cabine.
DAY 85
DAY 84
DAY 83
6/4...Finally left Kautokeino . 32km to do to the cross road to Karasjok. Nothing in beetween. I use the yoyo way.
Hope you understand what is it: pick me up, and bring me back( on the melody of Should I stay or should I go)
Gerlinde come at 4pm, I was really kapput. 12 days doing nothing, it's hard to start again.
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