sunnuntai 31. tammikuuta 2010

DAY 16

Thanks to Kirsi and Vella Vahtonen who contact the journalist Rai who contact PRISMA, who agreed to sponsor me for a new pare of shoes.

While in Jyvaskyla, I spend a night at Katreena appartment, and a night a Kirsi and Vella appartment. A nice saturday night at the bar Vakiopaine, a students place where I was invited by Willy ( usa ).

Today little bit crapula, it's windy out and in my head. Thanks to all the friends from Jyvaskyla.

perjantai 29. tammikuuta 2010

DAY 15

29.1. Start walking from the house of Vesa and Pavi at 9.15am, not to cold,-15, but windy. Pavi decide to come with me for few km, to show me a short cut. A photograph from Keskisuomalainen newspaper come to take pictures while I'm walking. The day before I meet the journalist of this newspaper who invited me for lunch while the interview. The article shoul come out on the 30.1. This day was a short walk, 15 km, and I arrive in Jyvaskyla at 1pm. I contact Katreena, who offert me a place in her house few days ago.

DAY 14

28.1. Korpilahti to Muurame, 16 km, easy day but freezing. It' not fguny to walk on the big road. At Muurame, I stop at the Shell station for a tea, and start talking with the staff. Nothing come out. So I decide to walk to the village, 2km out and went to the ravintola. The woman told me to wait the bingo time. Maybe some one will pick me up. Why not?? I got a phone call from Vesa Iikkanen, and told me that I can stay in there house. She come to pick me up
Her husband,Pavi, show me there big house, 2,and half floor, nice view to the lac, big windows, all modern....and a special eating system, 200 metters from the ground. We had a nice evening, telling stories, good diner and good wine. After a sauna, I went to sleep.

DAY 13

27.1. from Jämsä to Korpilahti ( 32 km ) cold, cold cold, windy, windy windy..but still alive.
The trucks drivers are ok. When they see me, they move to the other side of the road when they can. I have only like 40cm wide space for walking. And it's snow and ice. It's a hard day. For a change, and the first time I went to a bar in Korpilahti, and meet the staff there. A young girl, Emilia, try to find some thing for me. A friend of her, Otto, after reading my paper, arrange a place where I can spend the night at a saunabuilding Tahtiniemi. That day, I have to buy my own food. Cookies, fruit, and yogurt.

Thanks to Otto Rahnasto

DAYS 11-12

25.1. Marko drove me back to the station at 8am, and after few cafe and few cigarettes, I was ok to start for a long day again: I stop at Kattilajärvi after 33km. Cold day, -22 and little bit windy. While walking, I got a message to give me an address where to stop. It's a riding school. 20 horses, and cottages around in the wood. The owner, Mikko Puttonen offert me one of the cottage, with sauna. we spend the evening talking stories, and at the end, he offert me to stay one more day to rest. I offert him to help hom to clean the stabes. 26.1. resting day at the riding school. In the morning , I help Mikko , carrying horse shit out. It was a cold day. -25. Sauna, television, very good diner, beer.....and good sleep.

DAY 10

On the 24.1. Padasjoki to Kuhmoinen ( 30 km ) Same weather, it's seems that I'm lucky.
One more time, I stop at the petrol Station for a tea, that one was Neste Petrol station.
The owner, after he listened my story, tried to find me a place, he even offert me to sleep up the station. Mean whille, some body call me to give me a adress of a familly, but it 's 12 km of the road. The owner of the station propose to drive me there after closing time. 9pm.
When I arrive there, I had a wery warm welcome by Sirkku, Pertti and Marko, and offert me to stay in one of there cottage. After dinner, I went right away to sleep. It was a long day out. 9 hours.

Ther webb page:


On the 23.1. I walk from Asikkala, Vääksy to Padasjoki ( 28 km ), nice day but cold. -22 I arrive at one ABC petrol station, at the entrance of Padasjoki, and steart talking with the staff. They give me food, and searching one place where I could spend the night. After few phone call, Jukka and Carine agreed to give me a place in there house. It was in an old shool building, all made by wood. Surprise, Carine is French . I had a sauna, nice meal and good sleeping place.

perjantai 22. tammikuuta 2010


Alain walked from Lahti to Vääksy. And the hospitable people of Tallukka Hotel offered food and housed him for the night.

DAY 5-7

Days 5 to 7 Alain stayed in Lahti and found new friends.

keskiviikko 20. tammikuuta 2010


day5: I had only 12 km to Lahti so I took it very easy. I arrived to Lahti 1130. And had contact with friends who were waiting me there. I visited the office of RETKI magazine and they contacted and outdoor store PARTORETKI to fix my shoes. They fixed me a new shoe sole for free to take part of supporting my adventure. I met Lasse, photographers Nick Tulinen and Heikki Kaski. I spent a night with them. I decided to have 1 day rest at Lahti. There are nice people here. Tonight I will have a good meal. Mandi will be the cook.


4th day: I left Mäntsälä around 9.30. I had my breakfast at a nice cafe and I felt really good to continue my walking. I walked to Hollola and started to search for a place to stay around 5pm. I was at Luhtikylä and it was already dark and no change to find a place. People were very strange and reserved. So i decided to continue walking. The sky was full of stars. But I was tired so I stopped every few km to rest. Around 7pm I was resting and a guy who lived nearby was wondering what I was doing out there. I explained what I’m doing. He said there’s no room inside but he offered me a small house that he is renovating. Inside there was +3 degree. I was very happy and tired after 35 km walking. I had a sauna, good meal and a long night sleep. The guy was called Heikki Lahtinen. I promised him that after my adventure I will come back and help him with his renovation.


3th day: conditions are normal. Still little problem with shoes and body condition. The day was bit windy and around –12degree. I had to cover my face with a scarf. I have to walk on the side of the roads but its not a problem because people with cars respect the pedestrian and they are careful, especially when its dark. When I arrived in Mäntsälä I was very tired and cold. First thing I saw was a grill called Elvis Burger II. (because they have another grill called Elvis Burger I. ) I thought I will warm myself up with a cup of tee. As I was paying my tee I showed the paper that explains my journey and immediately the guy gave me back my 1 euro and let me in from the back of the grill. We had some good conversation and they told me they were from Kosovo. They offered me GOOD food and offered me to stay night over with them. So I had everything I could possible need.


2nd day: in the morning it was -12 degree. I followed the road number 140. Walking felt hard in the beginning. It always takes few days to get into the "mood". After 10 km I had to change my shoes because the insole was causing me blisters. After that I felt way more comfortable. In the evening I arrived to crossroad of Järvenpää. A car stopped me and asked me why was I walking and what I needed. Her name was Mari. I explained that I needed a place to stay. She asked me to jump into the car. There were 3 people in the car. They told me that they believe in Jesus Christ and they took me with them to place called Kaikkien Kansojen Rukoushuone. There they had 3 hours mass. There were people from all over the world ex. from Russia, Romania, Vietnam, Nicaragua, San Salvador Ukraine etc. Then they offered me food and place to stay. I stayed in a apartment of the Russian guy called Ruslan.


1st day I had some problems with my gear. On first day I walked to get out of the city of Helsinki. It wasn't easy because there isn't a straight route out. My first "pit stop" was in Pihlajanmäki at Juha's place where i got my gear fixed.

tiistai 19. tammikuuta 2010

torstai 14. tammikuuta 2010


Alain started his big adventure this morning from Zero Point of Helsinki. Of to see Finland and then Norway and to meet the people on the way. If you meet Alain on his way he will tell you fantastic stories and inspire you to live your own life to the fullest.

sunnuntai 3. tammikuuta 2010


Alain Bezard will start his long walk from zero point Helsinki 15. of January 2010. He needs your help. New friends, places to stay at, gear and food. If you can think of any way to help this extreme explorer please contact us.

Alain Bezard
+358 (0) 466 113 866

Milla Vaahtera MustaDesign

+358 (0) 400 494 014

My aim is to navigate the globe, travelling by the simplest way, walking. In order to discover different cultures and meet interesting people. I chalenge myself to the extreme. The vision of my travels is a world where people from different nationalities are able to communicate openly and move around freely. World is our playground.

Alain Bezard

Alain Bezard BIO
born 09 01 1955 France

10.10.1978 left France by bicycle towards east. Ended up in India.

1982 While aspiring to Canada found a village in North Norway, Kautokeino, I stayed for four years.

1987 walked following the River Nile form Egypt to Sudan.
1989 found wife in China. Had a restaurant until mafia stopped that. Worked in a nuclear power plant. Had a son.
1995 Returned to France. Escaped again to do construction work in Israel, Lebanon and Jordan.

1997 Experienced being homeless in London.

1998 Adventure to cross the Bering Strait and to celebrate the millennium twice. Went around the world without money.
2001 Traveling two years from Mexico to Chile.
2003 Ireland 2008 back to South America traveling along the River Amazon
2009 Finland

Now I challenge myself. Looking for something and testing the arctic people. Will they help me? I use all the resources that I have, legs for walking, eyes for seeing and my mouth for telling my story. I travel with out any funds, just for the challenge. I will try to meet people and get them to open their minds, help a stranger. See Finland and Norway from the ground level, people, homes, roads and the wild. New friends, new adventure. My enemy will be: the wind and cold. I will start my journey 15. of January 2010 from Helsinki Zero Point. I travel 20- 30 km per day. Alain Bezard